
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were you ten years Ago????

My husband and I were in Washington State, 
he on business, me for fun.  
We were sitting at the hotel having  breakfast when 
 CNN first made the announcement of a plane hitting
 one of the towers.  The room grew silent as the
 announcement of the the next plane, then the
 pentagon and another going down in Pennsylvania.
 It was a so silent, not a fork hitting plate, 
or a sip from a coffee cup. 
We were stranded and ended up 
keeping our rental car and driving home to Oklahoma.

I may or may not agree with all that
 has happened since, but I  very 
proud to be an American.
Please, don't forget that the freedom
 you and I have
was not Free,
it cost many people their lives!

I Love This picture.

I Just want to say Thank-you!

1 comment:

  1. I was in the military in Germany for a wedding. I was the Maid of Honor on the 8th of Sep. I was supposed to come back to the states on the 12th but ended up stuck there for another week since they wouldn't fly out. It was a shocking and horrible tragedy. They locked all the posts down and everyone got called back to work in shifts. So much for a honeymoon. God bless all who were deeply affected.


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