
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Learning How to Dye Wool With Koolaide

I read This Blog
about Dying yarn with Koolaide
Written By Niccupp Crochet
I thought it would be fun to Try.

So here is what I did.

The first thing I did was buy some wool, and soak it in cold water.

And then I bought some Koolaide and vinegar.

This is a very inexpensive project.
The yarn was about $8.00
I bought it from Hobby Lobby
(using my 40% off coupon)
The Koolaide was 19cents each
and the Vinegar was about $1.50

Following the directions from the blog I spoke of ,
 I made some purple, red, orange and green batches
 and began the dying process.
(My kitchen smells all fruity)

After rinsing well, I hung it outside,
in the aspen tree in my back yard to dry.

I was disappointed in the colors at first,
But once they dried....I loved them.

I am calling them...
Shades of Sherbert!

I'll let you know what I decide to make with them.


  1. they look great!! cant wait to try this!

  2. They look great! :) I can't wait to see what you make with it.


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