Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Live With Sara - Winner, Sale And Peppermints | Posh Pooch Designs

Live With Sara 
With Sara Sach of Posh Pooch Designs
Winner, Sale And Peppermints

The Winner of the Christmas Yarn
 Give Away will be announced
 on the Video.


See The Video on my Youtube Crochet Channel At This LINK

Thank You Sale 2018
 in My Ravelry Shop ONLY
 at This LINK
50% off All Patterns
 No Exceptions, No Limits
No Code needed
My Ravelry Shop


Let's Crochet Some Christmas Peppermint Candy
Sugar Free And High In Fiber!  LOL!

Christmas Peppermint Crochet Pattern –
Skill: Easy

Crochet Hook – H/ 5.00MM
Yarn- Worsted Weight (4) Small Amount of Red and White
Yarn Needle

Chain (ch)
Slip Stitch (slst)
Single Crochet (sc)
Double Crochet (dc)

Size:3 X 2 inches

R: 1 - With 2 strands of yarn,
 1 of white and 1 of red or green,
Ch 5, counts as 1st dc,
 11dc in the 4th ch from the hook, join in a circle,

R: 2 – Cut the Red/Green Yarn only, 
with the 1 strand of white yarn, ch1, 
*2sc in the next st, 1 sc in the next st*
Repeat From * to * again, 

Ch 6 sl st in the same st, ch 6, sl st in the same st, 

Repeat From * to * 3 times,

Ch 6 sl st in the same st, ch 6, sl st in the same st,

2 sc in the next st, 1 sc in the last st
 join with a sl st, tie off. 

Merry Christmas In July!
For All The Christmas In July 2018
 Free Crochet Patterns  and Videos

Click This LINK

Monday, July 30, 2018

Harmony Sample Blanket CAL - Stitch 7 - Basket Weave Stitch | Posh Pooch Designs

Harmony Sample Blanket Cal - Stitch 7
Basket Weave Stitch
By Sara Sach of
Posh Pooch Designs

What Is The Harmony Sample Blanket
 Year Long Crochet Along?
Clink and See LINK

                 For All The Stitches For The
 Harmony Sample Blanket 
Crochet A Long Click HERE

See Stitch 7 of The Harmony Sample Blanket CAL on my Youtube 
Crochet Channel At This LINK

Stitch 7 - The Basket Weave Stitch

Skill: Easy

Crochet Hook – H/ 5.00 MM
Yarn- Worsted Weight (4) Colors of your choice
Yarn Needle

Chain (ch)
Half Double Crochet (hdc)
Front Post Double Crochet (FPDC)
Back Post Double Crochet (BPDC)

Size: 25 X 25 inches - Completed Blanket
3 chs = 1 inch
Repeat for adjustment (3chs + 1 ch)

Remember if you added width to your blanket, 
              you will need to adjust the pattern to fit.
You may need to add more or less dc at the beginning and end of R: 1

Ch 3 counts as a dc
When changing colors at the end of a row, Ch3 AFTER the Color change.

For R: 1 - R: 23 - (Stitches 1- 6) Click this LINK

R: 24 -Ch3, 1 dc in each hdc, turn. (74dc)

R: 25 -Ch3, 1 dc in the next 2 dc, 
*FPDC in the next 4 dc, BPDC in the next 4 dc*
Repeat From * to * Across, 1 dc in the last 3 dc, turn.  (74 sts)

R: 26 - Ch3, 1 dc in the next 2 dc, 
*FPDC in the next 4 sts, BPDC in the next 4 sts*
Repeat From * to * Across, 1 dc in the last 3 dc, turn. (74 sts)

R: 27 -Ch3, 1 dc in the next 2 dc, 
*BPDC in the next 4 sts, FPDC in the next 4 sts*
Repeat From * to * Across, 1 dc in the last 3 dc, turn. (74 sts)

R: 28 -Ch3, 1 dc in the next 2 dc, 
*BPDC in the next 4 sts, FPDC in the next 4 sts*
Repeat From * to * Across,1 dc in the last 3 dc, turn. (74 sts)

You now can get all 12 Stitches, 
plus the trim with lots of pictures, 
and the Video Links in a 
Brand New E- Book At This LINK

Next Month - Harmony Sample Blanket
 Crochet Along Stitch 8
Seed Stitch

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Easy Holiday Ornament Crochet Pattern | Posh Pooch Designs

Easy Holiday Ornament Crochet Pattern
 By Sara Sach


This is the last Crochet Pattern For 
The Christmas in July 2018 Celebration.

This fun and simple Christmas Crochet Pattern can be
 used as a ornament on a tree, to decorate your house for the holidays, used as an applique, added to a gift, used as a place marker at the table, or used as a coaster.
Crochet a bunch and hang them as a bunting to 
decorate for a party.
You can crochet them out of cotton or acrylic yarn.
Solids, Variegated or Sparkle Yarns, It's your preference.
And the colors of yarn are also up to you.
You can see so many different styles can be made with
 this easy crochet Pattern.

Click This LINK For all The Christmas In July 2018 Crochet Patterns and Videos

Friday, July 27, 2018

Open Chevron Table Runner | Posh Pooch Designs

Open Chevron Table Runner Crochet Pattern By Sara Sach of Posh Pooch Designs

I designed this Crochet Pattern for the Christmas Holidays,
But you can make it in any colors you choose.

Just by changing the color of the yarns, 
you get a
 different look and feel.
This runner will work for any time of year.
Spring colors, Summer colors. Fall colors and of course, Winter and Christmas Colors.
And you can make it as long or short as you need.

See The Video On My Youtube Crochet
Channel At This LINK

Open Chevron Table Runner Crochet Pattern By Sara Sach
Please add this Crochet Pattern to Your Ravelry Favorites

Skill: Easy

Crochet Hook - H / 5.00MM
Yarn - Worsted Weight (4) 2 Colors ( C1 - Trim- 5 oz. , C2 Body of the Runner- 10 oz.)
Yarn Needle

Chain (ch)
Double Crochet (dc)
Double Crochet decrease (dcd)
Space (sp)
Skip (sk)

Size: 15 X 48 inches
Repeat is 27 chs +2 = 7.5 inches wide

Notes:Ch1 Does not Count as a stitch

R: 1 – With C1, Ch 54, 1 dc in the 4th ch from the hook, ch3 counts as 1 dc, 
1 dc in the next 10 dc, 3 dcs in the next dc, 1 dc in the next 12 dcs,
sk2 chs, 1 dc in the next 12 dc, 3 dcs in the next dc, 1 dc in the next 12 dc,
turn, ch1 (54dcs)

R: 2 – Dctog 1st 2 dc, 1 dc in the next 11 dc, 3 dc in the next dc,
1 dc in the next 12 dc, sk 2 dc,
1 dc in the next 12 dc, 3 dc in the next dc, 1 dc in the next 11 dc,
dctog the last 2 dc, turn, ch1 (54 dc)

R: 3 – Repeat R: 2

R: 4 - Chgto C2 – Repeat R : 2

R: 5 - Dctog 1st 2 dc, 1 dc in the next 2 dc, ch2, sk 2,
1 dc in the next 2 dc, ch2, sk 2,
1 dc in the next 3 dc,
3 dc in the next dc,
1 dc in the next 3 dc, ch2, sk 2,
1 dc in the next 2 dc, ch2, sk 2, 1 dc in the next 3 dc, sk 2

1 dc in the next 3 dc, ch2, sk 2,
1 dc in the next 2 dc, ch2, sk 2,
1 dc in the next 3 dc,
3 dc in the next dc,
1 dc in the next 3 dc, ch2, sk 2,
1 dc in the next 2 dc, ch2, sk 2,
1 dc in the next 2 dc, dctog the last 2 dc, turn, ch 1

R: 6 –Dctog the 1st 2 dc, 1 dc in the next dc, 2 dc in the ch2 sp,
2 dc in the next 2 dc, 2 dc in the ch2 sp,
1 dc in the next 3 dc, 3 dc in the next dc,
1 dc in the next 3 dc, 2 dc in the ch2 sp,
1 dc in the next2 dc, 2 dc in the ch2 sp, 1 dc in the next 2 dc,
Sk 2 dc
1 dc in the next 2 dc, 2 dc in the ch2 sp,
2 dc in the next 2 dc, 2 dc in the ch2 sp,
1 dc in the next 3 dc, 3 dc in the next dc,
1 dc in the next 3 dc, 2 dc in the ch2 sp,
1 dc in the next2 dc, 2 dc in the ch2 sp, 1 dc in the next dc,
dctog the last 2 dc, turn, ch1

R: 7 – Repeat R: 5

R: 8 - Repeat R: 6

R: 9 – R: 43 – Repeat R:5 and R: 6 Alternating Rows

R: 44 –Chgto C1, Dctog 1st 2 dc, 1 dc in the next 11 dc, 3 dc in the next dc,
1 dc in the next 12 dc, sk 2 dc,
1 dc in the next 12 dc, 3 dc in the next dc, 1 dc in the next 11 dc,
dctog the last 2 dc, turn, ch1 (54 dc)

R: 45 - Repeat R : 44

R: 46 – Repeat R: 44, tie off weave in your ends.

What color Table Runner Will you Crochet?

An Ad Free PDF FILE is Now Available
 For $3.50 In my Ravelry Shop
 At This LINK

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The DTR Cowl - The Double Triple Crochet Stitch | Posh Pooch Designs

The DTR Cowl Crochet Pattern
by Sara Sach of


We will be learning how to Crochet
The Double Triple Crochet Stitch

Sometimes referred to as the Double Treble Stitch
We Will Use The
DTR Stitch
 to crochet
 the DTR Cowl.

The Pattern can be easily adjusted 
in length and width.

Those who are having Chemo treatments and lose their hair, often become cold in the air conditioning. This cowl, worn as a hood, will keep them comfortable and stylish.

An Ad Free PDF File is Now Available
 in my Ravelry Shop For $3.50 at This LINK

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Live With Sara - Help My Stitch Count Is Not Right! | Posh Pooch Designs

Live With Sara
Today's Topic
"Help, My Stitch Count Is Not Right!"

See The Video on my Youtube Crochet
Channel at This LINK
What is a "Stitch Count"?
A Stitch Count is the 
number of stitches needed per row.
This Swatch has 16 dc.
Make sure to read the notes on the pattern. 
It will tell you if a ch3 counts as a dc.

It is important to count every row or round, 
or you may have to pull out stitches.

What if I 
have too many Stitches
at the end
 of my row?
If you have too many stitches, and you are off by just 1 you can always do a decrease stitch.
But if you are off by several stitches, count your stitches from the previous row and 
figure out where you went wrong. 

What if I
 don't have enough at the end
 of my row?
If you are short just one stitch you can even it out with an increase st, but again is you are off by several you will need to pull out the stitches
 and correct the error.

Counting Your stitches as you go is very important.
It will save you time and frustration.

What's New This Week At 

Christmas Tree Graph
Free Crochet Pattern and Video - LINK

Candy Cane Jar Cozie
Free Crochet Pattern and Video - LINK

Bunny Hugs Hooded Baby Blanket
Free Crochet Pattern and Video - LINK

Coming Soon
Open Chevron Table Runner
Free Crochet Pattern and Video

Thanks For Stopping by and
 Chatting with me.
A Sneak Peek,
Coming Soon!
See Ya next week.